Online terminology collections related to the courses offered at the School (in brackets the languages of the terms)
- Aphasias and language pathologies (Ca-Sp-En)
- Didactics (Ca-Sp-En)
- Didactics of language (Ca-Sp-En-Fr)
- Didactics of physical education (ca-es-fr)
- Didactics of musical education (Ca-Es)
- Education (Ca-Sp-En-Fr)
- EHEA (Ca-Sp-En-Fr)
- Sport (Ca-Es-En-Fr)
- Fundamentals of musical education (Ca-Sp-En)
- Games and toys (Ca-Sp-En-Fr)
- Perception and attention (Ca-Sp-En)
- Social psychology (Ca-Sp)
- Psychiatry (Ca-Sp-En-Fr-It)
- Development cooperation (Ca-Sp-En-Fr)